According to most scientific researches, art and hancrafting are the elements of meditation. In the activities, participants –teachers and the students- were led to find and bring waste materials of their own. They have been encouraged to find any waste materials to bring to the workshop as well. The activity took place in three types: 

  • Picture making with waste materials
  • Making “My museum” activity with waste or non-used personal belongings 
  •  Knitting small objects and embroidering with waste treads, ropes, beads etc.

Day 1:

At The Public Education Center students and teachers were encouraged: 

  • to present their own country, region, town and school;
  • to collect waste materials (plastic, glass, paper) from different places and bring them to the workshop;
  • to made, in groups, pictures,  office or decorative items, using the waste materials and exhibit them in their schools.


  Art and handcrafting are scientifically proved to have calming and sedative effects. With these activities students:
– learned to use the waste materials in their daily lives;
– meditated themselves while doing them;
– raised awareness and sensitivity to nature and environment;

Day 2:

Visiting Mersin Museum of Archeology and doing interactive museum activities in mixed groups.The activities included the use of waste materials in the workshop area of the museum:

  • teachers and students took part in outdoor science lessons;
  • game and movement activities that made the participants happy and initiated them in protecting the environment;
  • the experience of preparing food (bread on the hearth) using what mother nature offers us.


Also, they learn how to:

– use their soft skills in group works (cooperation, communication, problem solving, creativeness etc);
– use their abilities of artistic skills;
– calm down their anxiety while busying themselves in art.

Day 3:

At the Provincial Directorate of National Education Story House, students and teachers had the opportunity to participate in:

  • ice breaking activities (traditional games);
  • story workshop;
  • stone painting workshop.


Expected results of the activity:

-coping with anxiety while doing creative works of art
-having the chance to use their artistic skills to understand and be aware of themselves
-how to be a part of community to protect nature and environment

Day 4:

This day was dedicated to some fine art activities held at Belediye Tortek that initiated students and teachers in:

  • creating jewelry using pieces of glass, mosaic, string and other reusable crystals;
  • initiating and supporting a dialogue with personalities of the city of Mersin.