Mehmet Serttas Anadolu Lisesi is a public school, which is situated in the city centre of Mersin city, which is a the fifth metropol city of the country. It has many immigrants from other countries. It has more than 1000 students and 60 staff. Founded in 2005, our school has been one of the most active schools in different fields of non- formal education. We have been involved music contests, theatre festivals, sports contests and activities in different sports areas, art projects. We have been been a part of different Erasmus+ and eTwinning projects. We also have national science projects. It is a general public school and every year nearly 50% of our students pass the central national exam to go to universities. At the end of each academic year our
students complete their social public services, which is obligatory to carry out during the whole academic year. Our school has eSafety Label, Etwinning Quality Labels and prizes in the fields of sports and theatre.

We have been coordinating eTwinning projects in the last four years, which are awarded by Quality labels. The projects are
about Web2.0 tools, Cultural Heritage, Theatre, Students success, General Knowledge, English Vocabulary Acqusition, Climate Change.

We have also been carrying out erasmus+ project in the field of exchange of good practises:

  • Buddies Against Bullies- 2019-1-LT1-KA229-060569;
  • Digital cultural Heritage through 21st Century Skills-2020-1-IT02-KA229-079012;

We also carried out a Robert Bosch Project with a German school “Real Friends vs Virtual Friends” in 2015.

Our school is a general public school. There are more than 1000 students between 14-18 years fo age. There are three main departments, which go along with non -formal education: Science, Mathematics and Linguistics departments. Our students participate in projects that are related to their departments. Project based learning is encouraged at our school.