E.IN.E is a Non-governmental organisation/association whose main aim is to offer participation in youth-led events and youth participation activities.
E.IN.E’s main activities are:
- to promote and to carry out training programmes which help young people to understand and use new innovations in the labor market, turning them into skills which will improve their professional qualities. The aim is to foster/strengthen the connections between school and labor market. All this activity of promotion of youth mobility/cultural exchanges is implementing concretely the cultural and professional profiles of people, developing local business “resources” opportunities, creating employability, promoting the area.
- to promote the non formal education methodology among teachers and school staff, involving them in training courses in Italy and abroad, and in the Association’s activities with youngsters. Several volunteers in the association are teachers in the high schools of the region and they promote the EU programmes, especially Erasmus+, in these schools, favoring the internationalization and the European cooperation among
schools, NGO, Institutions.
Associazione E.In.E. has taken part in several Youth exchanges, sending youngsters to Spain, Turkey and Hungary during the summer 2013. Since 20th September 2013 it has coordinated a Leonardo da Vinci PLM Mobility project, titled “Professionals for leisure and sustainable tourism”, contract n° 2013-1-IT1-LEO02-03633, to send 150 young unemployed to Ireland, Spain and France for a 3 months internship.
We had a Youth exchange approved by our N.A. that has been implemented in Italy, in July 2015, project n° 2014-3-IT03-KA105-004775.
We cooperate with schools all over Italy to promote projects to send our students abroad, for training experiences.
Associazione E.In.E has been the coordinator of 2 Vet projects under Erasmus+ Programme: Project n° 2015-1-IT01-KA102-004400 and Project n° 2015-1-IT01-KA102-004395.
We had a youth exchange approved for summer 2016: Project n° 2015-3-IT03-KA105-007229, titled “From Book to ebook”.
We have been taking part in several Y.E. as sending organization.
The age range is wide enough, it goes from 13 to 30 about for the most of them. We can have even more adult learners that come to the association headquarters to get informed about training courses abroad or to attend music course in our class.
Even profiles are different:
- teenagers interested more in music course and youth exchanges;
- youngsters aged 20-30 interested in internship abroad, volunteering;
- more adult people interested in our web radios programs.
A lot of youngsters are from disadvantaged areas of our region, from our little villages on mountains with not many cultural possibilities. Some of them have problems at school because they are special needs students.
Several adults are unemployed and they look for training programs to get a qualification.